A Bit About Us
There is a concerning amount of LGBTQ+ youth in homeless shelters. These youth are often left without the proper resources to support their specific needs. They are sometimes cast out, discriminated against, or abused because of their situation.
Although people may see the necessity in clothing for warmth and protection, they may not see an equivalent need for clothing in order to express gender, creativity, and queerness.
By asking people to donate 21% of their wardrobe to our cause, we aim to empower homeless LGBTQ+ youth through the lens of fashion.
There is safety that comes with a sense of identity and something that goes neglected in your closet may help someone to feel safer in theirs.

How It Works
21 Percent Pledge seeks to improve the lives LGBTQ+ homeless youth in Toronto, Canada by giving them the resources to express themselves through fashion. We ask that Canadians pledge 21% of their wardrobe to homeless LGBTQ+ youth. Think Marie Kondo, but instead, use this opportunity to spread awareness through fashion.
It's quite simple. Count everything in your closet. Multiply that number by 0.21 and you're set. We ask that you are conscious of the quality of clothing you're donating. What might not "spark joy" for you, could change the life of someone else.
After you donate, we bring your clothing to affiliated homeless shelters for queer youth.
Find one of our branded Collection Bins at a Queer-Owned or Queer-Friendly business near you. Can't find one? Check out our resources page to find shelters.